Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Why keep your loved ones at GMC Morgue when you can keep them at home?

Why keep your loved ones at GMC Morgue when you can keep them at home?
After death, funeral of a person usually takes place within 24 hrs (I would say not later than 26hrs)
However, when some members of the family are out of State or abroad then funeral is held  say after 2-7 days  using the body preservation methods.

Well, about 12-15 years ago there available only two options:

1.   Embalming , commonly known as 'injesao marlam (Injected) and 2. keep the body at a Morgue, commonly said ‘Jelant dovola’ (kept in Ice)

Embalming involved injecting large amount of liquid viz  Formalin (Mixture of formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, methanol etc)
             Over 1 ltr of liquid was poured or injected down the dead body’s artery by the neck
           The solution odour was so strong that one could feel burning sensation in the nose n eyes.
          I have seen bodies kept for about a week or so or till their sons come from  England.

Last case I remember of was somewhere in late 1980s.

 ‘Jelant’ usually mean keeping at the Govt run mortuary or morgue e.g. GMC Bambolim, on payment of Charges.

 I also remember a case where in, on the day of the funeral a family received Telegram (late) saying son arriving next day.. After the church services around 5pm, the coffin was taken to the cemetery as usual but burial not taken place.  Instead, it was placed in the inside chapel (copel maran, as we call it) on rack with large ice blocks underneath, it was there whole night with 4 candlelit around. Burial must have taken place next day noon.

That was then but now we have mobile or portable morgue. A coffin shaped steel refrigerator with viewable (see through) glass top. It even has its own internal lights.

 The morgue is detachable two piece unit when joined together  it is plugged to nearest electrical wall point.

With this, you keep the body of your loved ones at home for days. 

What more?  This service / facility usually available free of cost.


If I am not mistaken, former Benaulim MLA/Minister Francisco Mickky Pacheco was the first to make these mobile morgue available to the people all over Goa. His Charitable trust  runs this services since 2006 and they have 10 morgues whose services are absolutely free, even the Transport - delivery and pickup is free. Very popular in Salcette, Mormugao and neighbouring talukas as one can see the charitable trust name printed on the morgue. Poor, rich and even more rich peoples avail of this services.  Office located at Betalbatim Church square

Top open, empty


 Advantages of keeping your loved one at home:

-        Your departed family member can stay in the house with you

-        Visitors. Friends and family  neighbours paying tribute, saying prayers etc
                   (At GMC morgue, the only visitors paying visit are the rats to feast on the dead)

-        No chance of body going missing (As in GMC)
             -        Saving on Morgue charges, transport charges  to and from GMC or Hospicio

-        It requires continuous power supply, no electricity for more than 1 hour then may need a DC backup like genset, power inverter  or placing of ice blocks etc
Note: Modern portable morgues have inbuilt mechanism even in case of power failures
-     Some families may not like the idea of keeping the dead with them for too long due to various reasons like Living in flats,  fright (Children), inconvenience caused by frequent  or continuous condolence visitors, cost factor like meals, refreshment to soirim/dairim or relatives  etc  
another pic with Morgue, coffin, casket
Matanhy Saldanha in Morgue