Wednesday, 14 March 2007

10 to qualify (to be my friend)

Over 5 years ago, I got this original text/sms on myGOA mobile (in two parts)from a person I knew. During my recent visit, surprisingly, a young chap forwarded the same to me in its original form (as any addition to it even a single letter will split two parts into 3).The person/author only son died very young of AIDs just few months ago (2 years ago). He was rich & wealthy and had so many friends. He send the text to all of his friends. Earlier, he lost both his parents too. It was obvious from his message that he was speaking from his experience and hence mainly targeting the young. As a tribute, I am forwarding the same to you guys. I am sure it has something for every one, and if forwarded to others, it may change people's lives, as in most cases 'prenvention is better than cure'

10 to qualify.
UR my friend if U..
1 Respect yr parents.
2.Return home by 8.
3.B loyal 2 all.
4.Treat every1 equal. others when in need..
6.Never talk behind back.
7.Say NO 2 Drugs.
8.Alcohol? Stay within limits.
9.Smoking? try 2 stop or reduce.
10.No SEX with strangers.
R U my friend ???

Note: this is a test message as I am new to this 'Blog' thing

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