Thursday, 6 September 2012

Laadli Laxmi Scheme Launched today 6.9.12

Update 22.10.2020
Rs.8 lacs income limit now reduced to 3 lacs i.e. parents annual income should not be more than Rs.3 lacs. When the scheme first introduced  in 2012, it was free for all with no income limit but on 6 March 2019 new income limit was set i.e. 8 lacs which is now reduced to just 3 lacs in October 2020

June 2016
41,630 Ladli Laxmis

February 2018
52,000 Laadli Laxmi  beneficiaries, Goa Government has spent Rs 520 crore

December 2018
61,000 Laadli Laxmis

July 3, 2019
63,493 laadlis and 12,639 new applications pending

A minimum of Rs.1 lakh to give away to all Goan Laadli Laxmis (Females only).
(Max. being upto 7.89/ 12 lakhs see ready reckoner below)

If you belong to BPL, ST, SC, OBC, Lower Class, Middle Class, Upper Class, Aristocrat,   Landlords, Millionaire or billionaire class, you all get it. see update below
In other words all girls get it provided they marry before attaining the age of 41.*(now 46)
What more? Those who register at young age are guaranteed to get back lot more

Update 14.3.19
Rs. 8 Lakhs income limit introduced
Fixed annual income of girl parents should not exceed Rs.8 lacs
Update 22.10.2020
Rs.8 lacs income limit now reduced to 3 lacs i.e. parents annual income should not be more than Rs.3 lacs.

*Update 16.3.16
Age limit increased by 5 years to 45 so says CM Parsekar in his budget speech today

- The girl applicant above the age of 18 as on April1, 2012 (others see note 1 below)
- Born in Goa (see note 2 if born outside Goa)
- Resident of Goa for atleast last 15 years
- Whose atleast one Parent is born in Goa and resident of Goa for atleast last 15 years or
Alteast one parent is residing in Goa for the last 25 years

Note1: Those who already attained the age of 18 before April 2012 and are in the age group 19-40
are also eligible provided they marry on or after 1.4.12

Note2: Girl born outside Goa also eligible provided she is a resident of Goa for last 15 years and educated in Goa and either of her parents is born in Goa and resident of Goa for last 15 years or
one parent residing in Goa for last 25 years

Note: The form above is for illustration purpose only. It may have been updated or revised now

 Application forms duly filled in with supporting documents (see prescribed form) should be submitted within 180 days from the date of attaining 18 years or from the date of marriage or from the date of official notification i.e. 9.7.2012 as the case may be. ( Last date which was mid January 2013,  now been extended till end of March 2013, vide notification January 2013)

The applicant will get the amount only after civil registration of her marriage is done.
Those applied at the age of 18 etc will receive more than Rs.1,00,000 as the final amount will also include interest earned during the period from date of registration to the date of marriage.
e.g if registered at the age of 18 and married at 20, the amount would be roughly Rs. 1,20,656
at 21 (Rs.132534), 22 (145580), 23 (159991), 24 (175652), 25 (192943), 26 (211936), 27 (232799), 28 (255715), 29 (280887), 30 (308537), 31 (338909), 32 (372271), 33 (408916), 34 (449169), 35 (493385), 36 (541953), 37 (595302), 38 (653902), 39 (718271) and finally if married at the age of 40 she will get Rs.7,88,977 (About Rs. 12 lacs at the age of 45) assuming the rate of interest remain steady through out the period which is presently 9.5% pa. . Provided there is no change in the Govt / policy during the period. Also, 22  / 27 years from now, the value of 1 Lac could mean 10,000 or 8 lacs could mean 80,000

Govt. has signed an agreement with three major banks -- Bank of India, State Bank of India and HDFC Bank – for distribution of application forms.  People desirous to avail the scheme can obtain the  application forms from 164 branches of the three banks spread throughout the state. Application fee Rs.5 (no photo copies allowed, each application form is serially numbered)

Forms also available at Directorate of Woman and Child Development  where all duly filled in forms
are submitted. Dept located at
Shanta Building, 1st floor, St. Inez, Panaji.
Tel 2235308/2426112  email:

Documents required:
All attested copies of documents as above (Birth, Residence etc of both applicant and parents)
Attested copy of AADHAR Card, if any. Note: Aadhar card will be compulsory from 1.4.13
 Aadhar card info
Affidavit in the prescribed format see pic

Application form – Par I & II 
eff. July 2012, the forms may have been updated or revised now
  Affidavit format


Laadli Laxmi Scheme FAQs:
Q: I am 21 years old Laadli daughter of my parents, can I apply now?
A: No. You can only apply after your Civil Marriage (apply within 6 months)
Q: Born on 1st April 1972, married 2nd April 2012, will I get 1 Lakh?
A: No, since you crossed 40 years on your marriage day.

(This has changed in 2016,  max age limit now 45)

6th Sept 2012:
Laadli Laxmi Scheme launched today - Pics of long Qs etc

Laadli Laxmi = Rs. 1 Lakh or more
 = Saving girl child, Women empowerment, financial assistance at the time of marriage etc

Distribution of letters of sanction to the first batch of 585 beneficiaries at the hands of Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and other cabinet Ministers today on 6/9/12 at Kala Academy, Campal, Goa Academy

Long Qs seen as long as 200 metres to gain access to the main a/c auditorium.
They were all subject to Metal Detection and bag frisking

Programe was to start at 4 pm
Q started 3.30pm or earlier
CM arrived 4.47 (waiting lounge)
Long Q got ended at 5pm
Ceremony started 5pm

Dozens of free KTC buses seen which transported Laadlis and their families. School Bal Rath buses also seen.
The 925 capacity autitoirum was full to the capcity.
I am sure, inside, there were 925+400+ occupying the corridoors etc.

In the end, only Laadlis and their mothers allowed in, fathers, husbands etc (inlcuding JoeGoaUk)
made to stay out to watch big but silent screen (no sound).
No one knows who provided or arranged the Screen not even the Police,
Security Personnel, KA Security, Organisers/Desk volunteers etc.
People were shouting no sound no sound.. some even informed to Mapusa Minister Francis who was just passing by
Anybody could plant a smilar set top boxes etc containing explossive or bombs. Security breach here.
There were loads of Police forces though.
Looks like Prudent TV provided the Silent screen but even they denied it by keeping silent when asked two
of their personnel with camera etc including Lady news reader who were standing by the equipments.

Around 200 spotted who were left out to watch the silent screen

Buffet type catering also arranged at two places - see pics

Organisers did not handle it very well, they knew the capacity
of the hall.. Where all the busload of people going to seat?
As most Laadlis were from the far north, they could even arranged the event closer to them or they could do in at open-air hall with covered roof (due to rains) which has a capacity of around 2000.

Congratulations to all Laadli Laxmis

Hope Laadla Laxman's turn comes soon

Some pics here

Long Qs etc
goa police Laadlis
Buses for laadlis and their family
There were more buses near Campal garden road / lane
More pics here
Gates closed

half paf color ad in all dailies
June 2016 There are around 1,49,152  Griha Adhar Benificiaries as of June 201641,630 Ladli Laxmis and 1,39,896 DSSS

Video: Launching Day

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