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Monday, 10 October 2011

Dr. Luis Proto Barbosa (1927-2011)

Dr. Luis Proto Barbosa
Was a very famous ‘dotor’ doctor /Physician at least until early 80s or until he become a minister

He had his motor bike (Honda I think) which make louder noise like that of bullet.

At night, when people  hear the bike sound, they said ‘konn tori boro nam mista..’ Next morning people asked each other where or who the doctor visited to

He was always there for the people no matter what time of the day or night.

Imagine, there were no proper roads and street lights at that time but he always made it on his own, even in the middle of the night on his bike.

When mothers were worried about their sick children he would say ‘ Kaim zaina go teka, tum bhinaka’(Don’t worry he/she is fine). After consultation, when asked ‘dortor kitu poixe? (How much to pay) we often heard him saying ‘Marie, sang go teka kitu poixe te’

He had his consoltor (dispensary still exists)  just before Cansaulim Market, opp Old Post office Or closer to the new panchayat or PHC.

Dr. Barbosa also had his consoltor at Utorda near Pondori posro, just before Musllint.(musonn ground)Consulting hours being late in the evening but we preferred going to Cansaulim which was not very far.

He took care of all of Cansaulim, Arossim, Cuelim, Velsao, Verna and upto Utorda/Majorda
and as such he was prominent figure  at local wedding receptions 'savod' (raising toasts).

Besides, during tiatr or village functions  to say a few words.

He had his own style as a toast master, often we imitated him.

He started his speech ‘Mogall Bhau-bhoinnado’

He had very sharp memory too. I must have seen him after 24 years – Last time I accidentally bumped into him in 2008, he immediately recognised me...

Of late, he spent his years at Adollem (near spring, down Birla road, Cuelim) where he had his farmyard.

I have last seen Dr. Barbosa at a funeral at Velsao church in 2008. See pics

As we know, Dr. Barbosa was an MLA,  Minister, Chief Minister and pro-tem speaker.
Don panam, Gai-padduk, hat etc

Dr. Barbosa has two daughters, one son (also a doctor Margao dispensary behind Grace Church) and regular church goer wife.

RIP Dr. Luis Proto Barbosa (1927-2011)

Some pics taken in 2008

The Last Journey - 9th Oct. 2011
Funeral, Police Brass Band, Church, Mass, State Honour, Gun salute, cemetery
Coffin / casket draped in the Union Flag / National Flag

Our GP, Ex. Chief Minister Dr. Luis Proto Barbosa  laid to Rest with full State Honour

Cansaulim, 9th Oct. 2011
About 40 priests Concelebrated mass with Bishop Alwyn Baretto as main Celebrant with Fr. Sertorio Rodrigues, Parish Priest of Cansaulim, Fr. Remedious Fernandes Vicar General of Goa,  Fr. Carmo Martins, Parish Priest of Grace Church Margao & Fr. Lucio Dias, Episcopal Vicar for South Goa. Fr. Lucio & Fr. Remdious are nieghbours of Dr. Luis Proto Barbosa.  Fr. Valerian Vaz, Fr. Eremito Rebello etc also seen amongst the 40 celebrants.

Many Politicians/dignitaries attended including Goa Chief Minister Digambar Kamat, PWD Minister ChurchillAlemao, Power Minister Aleixo Sequeira, Urban Development Minister Joaquim Alemao, South Goa MP Francisco Sardinha, Minister Jose Philip, Mauvin Godinho, Dr. Wilfred D’Souza, NRI Commissioner Eduardo Faleiro, Mathany Saldanha, Ramakant Kalap, Herculano Dourado, Teotonio Pereira, Minino Peres, Tiarist Cyriaco Dias etc

With full State honour with firing of gun shots, Police brass band etc

Video 1  (Gun Salute etc)

A short Clip

Some funeral pics

At the Residence Residence
the house

Poilice Brass Band

on the road

with Family (wife, two daughters and one son)

Priests and Bishop Alwyn Baretto (Sindhudurg)


Video 2 - Last Journey