Young Ravina Rodrigues, a student of St. Joseph Convent
High School, Nagoa (Verna) died a mysterious death at the
hands of Doctors (?).
High School, Nagoa (Verna) died a mysterious death at the
hands of Doctors (?).
It was a simple case of Appendicitis but her Kidneys removed (?)
Ravina died of surgery complications.
She was operated not just once or twice..
Operations took place at Vasco and GMC hospitals.She was operated not just once or twice..

There was a VCD on this tragedy/Case but soon run out of
stock (all sold out within a week)
stock (all sold out within a week)
I bought this VCD today. Rs.130.
Miss RAVINA Somplem vo Sompoilem? by Victor D'Cunha
Miss RAVINA Somplem vo Sompoilem? by Victor D'Cunha

Late Ravina's entire family seen above (Father, Mother, 3 sisters & one brother)
It has a song on Ravina and ‘family speaks’ footage of about 17 minutes.
Pictures of Pai Hospital, Vasco, mention of Doctor Surme, Dr. Patel, Dr. Amonkar,
Dr. Dilip, GMC Ward No.106 and its nurses (Typical GMC nurses attitude also exposed).
From the LIVE footage, it also appears that the doctors were very rude to the family members.
One Dr. Patel even called the sister 'bitch'.
In some cases, I found very hard to believe the way the doctor acted or their alleged rude behaviourOne Dr. Patel even called the sister 'bitch'.
It also talk about Auda of Bailancho Saad or Ekvott (-ve), Home Ministers, Sequeira,
Mickky, Goa police etc
News/Media like Herald, Tarun Bharat, Goa365, Prudent etc (for giving no or very less coverage)
There were about 30 press/media persons at press conference organised by BE at her residence.
There were about 30 press/media persons at press conference organised by BE at her residence.
Picture of operated parts or cross section - Vertically and horizontaly (like a big Cross)
on deceased stomach also shown at GMC ward/bed.
In another pic, late Ravina also shown her 'eyes removed?' (Doctors confirm lenses removed?)
It also talks about pipes and holes all over her body.
It says something about a long syringe/injection with black contents/fluid injected
into Ravina by a nurse (at the instruction of Dr. Patel).
In another pic, late Ravina also shown her 'eyes removed?' (Doctors confirm lenses removed?)
It also talks about pipes and holes all over her body.
It says something about a long syringe/injection with black contents/fluid injected
into Ravina by a nurse (at the instruction of Dr. Patel).
Elder sister (Ravika) tells a hair-raising story how it all happened and how it all ended up.
The last moments of Ravina life (sufferings) and how she breathed her last in Dr. Patel's hand.
The last moments of Ravina life (sufferings) and how she breathed her last in Dr. Patel's hand.
' Mojem ang pasun xirrr zalem'.
Doctors act was cruel. Don't know if Doctors are human or animals.
Doctors act was cruel. Don't know if Doctors are human or animals.
From this (VCD), it is obvious that Doctors killed Ravina
(the above VCD footage also available on the net uploaded into Facebook and Youtube)
watch video below
It’s one year now, died on 29/7/2010
Young RAVINA died or killed (by doctors)?
What has happened to this case?
Any doctors found guilty?
Will Ravina ever get justice?
So many questions but no answers.
Where Goa is heading for?
some pics and video
Ravina pics
Video funeral where the classmates sing ‘Good Bye Ravina..
Video - First information Report (FIR) - Family speaks...
(Thanks to Victor D' Cunha)
Updated: 29.7.11
Ravina's Death Anniversary today..
A small video clip
some pics

Family members at her grave
some more dtd 29.7.11
Update: 16.9.2011
Ravina's Mother in a press statement..
Gloria Rodrigues
resident of B-44
Poreibhat, Verna, Salcete – Goa.
Tel: 9822418081
Date:16th September 2011
Under the Indian Medical CouncilAct, my husband had requested GMC for the medical documents of my deceaseddaughter Ms. Raveena Rodrigues through an application dated 12thSeptember, who expired in GMC on 29/07/10, due to the medical negligence of thedoctors. As per the notification from Medical Council of India, if any requestis made for the medical records, the same should be issued within 72 hours. GMChas failed to reply to our request and we will be taking up this matter to thehigher authorities. We are not surprised that GMC has not replied to thisletter, as we know that they are not having proper records. Our case wasneither registered as MLC nor non-MLC on our arrival at GMC with our daughterin critical condition on 10th July 2010.
There are rumours spread by somepeople as why this case has come up after a year and why all this was not donea year back? I would like to clarify that we were following up this case withthe concerned authorities but they all were waiting for the medical committee’sreport, which was appointed by the Health Secretary Goa. We have also given anapplication on 22nd August 2011 under RTI to get this report buttill now we have not received any reply from the Government medical board. Idoubt if the committee is really formed by the Health Secretary to investigateinto this issue. If a medical board is formed, then they should have called usto take our statement and our allegations against the medical team. We know thepain and agony which our beloved daughter went through in the hands of doctorsfrom 3rd July to 29th July 2010. Even after her death thebody was kept outside the Forensic department for 28 hours since we weredemanding for autopsy of the dead body. The doctors did not even have pity onthe dead body of my daughter. My daughter has suffered a lot when she was aliveand now her soul is waiting for justice.
One of the doctor from GMC, who isalso an accused in the petition filed in the Criminal court of Vasco has sentmy husband, Mr. Micheal Rodrigues and the producer of the VCD “Raveena Somplemvo Sompoilem”, Mr. Victor D’Cunha a warning notice to stop the circulation ofthe VCD in the market as the doctor says that we have made false allegationsagainst him. Neither Mr. Victor D’Cunha nor my daughter, Mrs. Ravika Rodrigueshas given any defamatory statements against any of the hospitals or doctors. TheVCD is based on the real facts and the trauma which my family went through inGMC from 10th to 29th July 2010. I have lost my preciousdaughter due to the negligence of the doctors. We cannot forget the pain andagony which my daughter went through from 3rd to 29thJuly 2010.
As per the notice, it is surprisingto know that the official records of GMC show that the patient was shifted toICU on 13/07/10, whereas the patient was shifted to ICU on 15/07/10. Are thedocuments manipulated to save the doctors?
The notice also states that themedical attention provided was to the best of the abilities of the doctors. ButI don’t understand this ‘best treatment’ in which my daughter was stitchedleaving big gaps and the portions which had opened later were filled by fillingcotton inside my daughter, Ms. Raveena Rodrigues, which was another reason forthe increase in Septicemia in her body. The big cut of 21 cms on her stomachwas not even dressed. Whenever the stitches opened, more cotton was filled inher stomach. My daughter was operated in GMC without our consent. The reasonfor the second operation was not mentioned on the document, as the documentswere blank and might have been filled later. My daughter’s dialysis pipes andoxygen pipes were removed infront of our eyes and the doctors left her to dieon the bed. My husband will be taking this issue to the court to discuss moreon this subject. It seems like the doctors at GMC were treating my daughter for19 days without knowing the cause of her sickness and hence they had to form acommittee to know the reasons of her death. Is this the best treatment given tomy daughter at GMC or were the doctors experimenting with my daughter’s life?
The Forensic department at GMC areto conduct the autopsy of the dead body and to give their report for the causeof death. But in Raveena’s case the Forensic department, in a letter to Vascopolice station had instructed the investigating officer to inquire with theprivate hospital (where Raveena was first operated) and from GMC doctors to getthe final opinion whether the hamemporitoneum was due to slipped mesoappendixligature or ruptured corpus leutial ovarian cyst. How could the investigatingofficer involve into this inquiry when the medical board had already set up anexpert team to do the investigation? Is Forensic department a judiciaryorganization to give instruction to the police officers? Now after a year, oneof the accused doctor in this case has come up with his opinion that thehamemporitoneum was due to the slipped meso appendix ligature. But according tome, we do not want statements from the accused doctors. We want the finalreport from the medical board set up by the Health Secretary.
I kindly request The Health Minister and The Chief Minister to look into this matter seriously.
Updates November 2011
The first operation was performed without mandatory diagnostic tests and allegations that OT of Pai Nursing Home was ill equipped and unhygienic

http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra3/6356919941/sizes/l/Video - First information Report (FIR) - Family speaks...
(Thanks to Victor D' Cunha)
Updated: 29.7.11
Ravina's Death Anniversary today..
A small video clip
some pics

Family members at her grave
some more dtd 29.7.11
Update: 16.9.2011
Ravina's Mother in a press statement..
Gloria Rodrigues
resident of B-44
Poreibhat, Verna, Salcete – Goa.
Tel: 9822418081
Date:16th September 2011
Under the Indian Medical CouncilAct, my husband had requested GMC for the medical documents of my deceaseddaughter Ms. Raveena Rodrigues through an application dated 12thSeptember, who expired in GMC on 29/07/10, due to the medical negligence of thedoctors. As per the notification from Medical Council of India, if any requestis made for the medical records, the same should be issued within 72 hours. GMChas failed to reply to our request and we will be taking up this matter to thehigher authorities. We are not surprised that GMC has not replied to thisletter, as we know that they are not having proper records. Our case wasneither registered as MLC nor non-MLC on our arrival at GMC with our daughterin critical condition on 10th July 2010.
There are rumours spread by somepeople as why this case has come up after a year and why all this was not donea year back? I would like to clarify that we were following up this case withthe concerned authorities but they all were waiting for the medical committee’sreport, which was appointed by the Health Secretary Goa. We have also given anapplication on 22nd August 2011 under RTI to get this report buttill now we have not received any reply from the Government medical board. Idoubt if the committee is really formed by the Health Secretary to investigateinto this issue. If a medical board is formed, then they should have called usto take our statement and our allegations against the medical team. We know thepain and agony which our beloved daughter went through in the hands of doctorsfrom 3rd July to 29th July 2010. Even after her death thebody was kept outside the Forensic department for 28 hours since we weredemanding for autopsy of the dead body. The doctors did not even have pity onthe dead body of my daughter. My daughter has suffered a lot when she was aliveand now her soul is waiting for justice.
One of the doctor from GMC, who isalso an accused in the petition filed in the Criminal court of Vasco has sentmy husband, Mr. Micheal Rodrigues and the producer of the VCD “Raveena Somplemvo Sompoilem”, Mr. Victor D’Cunha a warning notice to stop the circulation ofthe VCD in the market as the doctor says that we have made false allegationsagainst him. Neither Mr. Victor D’Cunha nor my daughter, Mrs. Ravika Rodrigueshas given any defamatory statements against any of the hospitals or doctors. TheVCD is based on the real facts and the trauma which my family went through inGMC from 10th to 29th July 2010. I have lost my preciousdaughter due to the negligence of the doctors. We cannot forget the pain andagony which my daughter went through from 3rd to 29thJuly 2010.
As per the notice, it is surprisingto know that the official records of GMC show that the patient was shifted toICU on 13/07/10, whereas the patient was shifted to ICU on 15/07/10. Are thedocuments manipulated to save the doctors?
The notice also states that themedical attention provided was to the best of the abilities of the doctors. ButI don’t understand this ‘best treatment’ in which my daughter was stitchedleaving big gaps and the portions which had opened later were filled by fillingcotton inside my daughter, Ms. Raveena Rodrigues, which was another reason forthe increase in Septicemia in her body. The big cut of 21 cms on her stomachwas not even dressed. Whenever the stitches opened, more cotton was filled inher stomach. My daughter was operated in GMC without our consent. The reasonfor the second operation was not mentioned on the document, as the documentswere blank and might have been filled later. My daughter’s dialysis pipes andoxygen pipes were removed infront of our eyes and the doctors left her to dieon the bed. My husband will be taking this issue to the court to discuss moreon this subject. It seems like the doctors at GMC were treating my daughter for19 days without knowing the cause of her sickness and hence they had to form acommittee to know the reasons of her death. Is this the best treatment given tomy daughter at GMC or were the doctors experimenting with my daughter’s life?
The Forensic department at GMC areto conduct the autopsy of the dead body and to give their report for the causeof death. But in Raveena’s case the Forensic department, in a letter to Vascopolice station had instructed the investigating officer to inquire with theprivate hospital (where Raveena was first operated) and from GMC doctors to getthe final opinion whether the hamemporitoneum was due to slipped mesoappendixligature or ruptured corpus leutial ovarian cyst. How could the investigatingofficer involve into this inquiry when the medical board had already set up anexpert team to do the investigation? Is Forensic department a judiciaryorganization to give instruction to the police officers? Now after a year, oneof the accused doctor in this case has come up with his opinion that thehamemporitoneum was due to the slipped meso appendix ligature. But according tome, we do not want statements from the accused doctors. We want the finalreport from the medical board set up by the Health Secretary.
I kindly request The Health Minister and The Chief Minister to look into this matter seriously.
Updates November 2011
The first operation was performed without mandatory diagnostic tests and allegations that OT of Pai Nursing Home was ill equipped and unhygienic

Why, What or Who took so long to disclose the findings of the report?
High-level Committee was formed to investigate into the case back in July/Aug 2010Why it took more than 15 months?? Who is is behind it? Could it be the Health Minister himself?
Report obtained under RTI
Raveena Death –enquiry Report – Obtained Under RTI
Page 34
Page 35
http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra3/6359298535/sizes/l/in/photostream/Update: 25/Nov/2011

NT video news 28/11/11
Update: 7th Dec. 2011
Bailancho Ekvott in a letter to Vaco Police Station has demanded that the provision of Goa Children Act be charged against the persons who are implicated in the death of Minor girl. Also, demanded chargesheet be filed before the Children Court as the victim is a minor after including section 8(2) r/w section 2 (m) in the FIR.
Copy to Sp South, DySp/Vasco
In another letter to Health Minister, Ekvott has requested for his immediate intervention and demanded
1. Cancelation of Registration of Pai Hospital
2. Govt. to take policy decision to debar the Govt. doctors from having private practice.
3. Compensation from the Govt to the next of kin
Source: scanned letters received from BE
The three doctors viz Dr. Surme, Dr. Pai and Dr. Amonkar wanted in Ravina's death case are not traceable. The 3 suspects have moved for an anticipatory bail application in Margao Court which came up for hearing on 5th Dec. 2011. However, Vasco police has opposed the doctors’ bail.
The court will now pronounce it’s order on Dec. 16
Update: 17.12.11
The court will now deliver it's order (on abv bail hearing) on 23rd Dec. 2011
update: 23.12.11
The Court has rejected the doctors' bail plea.
The doctors will now have to go through Children Court
Hopefully, the arrest of 3 docs will follow next..
Message fron Bailamcho Ekvott (NGO)
Dear Joe,
We had filed an intervention application in the bail application who had filed for anticipatory bail (Anti Bail No 297/11, 298/11,295/11)in sessions court south goa margao of the 3 doctors namely Dr. Pai, Dr. Surme, and Dr. Amonkar.
We provided late Ravina's Birth Certificate to prove our points that she was a minor and the sessions court had no jurisdiction to hear/decide the bail application of these 3 doctors. their bail application was rejected and now they have to go to the childrens court.
this is for your information as we are not going to give up this case till it reaches its logical conclusion i.e justice for deceased ravina and compensation for her next of kin.
Today is 27.12.11, wondering, why no doctors arrested yet??
Update Nov.5, 2012
Finally, 3 doctors chargsheeted
VASCO: Two years after the death of a minor girl from Vasco, Raveena Rodrigues, 15, the Vasco police on Monday filed a chargesheet in the children's court, Panaji, against three doctors, including one from the Goa Medical College and hospital (GMC), Bambolim, for alleged medical negligence.
Dr Dilip Amonkar from GMC, Dr Shantaram Surme from Vasco and Dr Shridhar Pai, owner of Pai Nursing Home, Vaddem-Vasco, have been named as accused in the case. The girl was admitted at Pai Nursing Home and operated on July 3, 2010. She was rushed to GMC on July 10 after her condition worsened. She died on July 29, 2010, at GMC.
Her family had suspected foul play in her death. Following a public outcry, the government had formed a committee to inquire into the matter. Headed by secretary (health), the committee included director of health services, dean of GMC, Dr Pramod Salgacoar and Dr Emidio Gomes as members and joint secretary (health) as the member secretary. The committee found that there was medical negligence and had recommended action.
Following the committee's report, the victim's father had filed a complaint in November 2011. The case was registered on the directions of the Vasco JMFC. After the case was registered, then PSI Milind Bhuimbare in July this year had sought permission from the authorities to prosecute the doctors. The file, according to the sources, went right up to the chief minister's office and the approval for the chargesheet came on November 1.
The police inspector in charge of Vasco police station, Rupendra Shetgaonkar, filed the chargesheet.
Raveena's father Michael said that the doctors should be punished to prevent occurrence of such incidents in the future wherein patients' lives are at risk due to medical negligence.
The girl's brother-in-law, Marcus D'Cunha, said that the GMC doctor should be placed under suspension, while the medical council of Goa should take appropriate action against the other two.
Update August 2013 - Sorry, nothing heard on this case..
Update: 8th March 2014
Consumer District Forum directs 3 doctors to pay Rs.19 Lakh Compesation

A source:
3 doctors did not pay pay the above compensation amount as they appealed against the order at National Commission Delhi. Case still pending..
The case is now at 3 different courts
Update: 16.6.2017
Court orders to frame charges against 2 doctors Amonkar & Surme

Update: 21.10.17
2 Doctors' appeal dismissed by High Court

Update August 2013 - Sorry, nothing heard on this case..
Update: 8th March 2014
Consumer District Forum directs 3 doctors to pay Rs.19 Lakh Compesation

A source:
3 doctors did not pay pay the above compensation amount as they appealed against the order at National Commission Delhi. Case still pending..
The case is now at 3 different courts
Update: 16.6.2017
Court orders to frame charges against 2 doctors Amonkar & Surme

Update: 21.10.17
2 Doctors' appeal dismissed by High Court

Update 24.4.23
Dr Amonkar, others absolved in medical negligence case
those doctors should be hang till death.........and justice should be given to ravina and to her family.........we r there with ravinas family.....
ReplyDeleteHope to see thorough inquiry in this matter. The following link is related to medical mafias
ReplyDeleteSome comments taken from Facebook
i have seen the cd really the docs killed
absolutely without any doubt ravina was killed. all the concerned doctors/officials must be prosecuted for such an gross negligence & inhuman cruel approach2 the innocent and the entire bereaved family members of ravina.on behalf of the entire gulf expatriates i strongly condemn and offer my heartfelt condolences2 her entire family members and also appeal all my fellow goans 2 show solidarity and raise their concerns2 avoid such acts in the near future.
She is killed no doubt about that .There is no one to do the Justice Sp in GOA. What hapened to her should happen to one of the Politicians family then the eyes would have been open. But time will show them
Every dog has its own day and the cat its night.
i dnt understand it said somplem vo sompoilem it should hv been directly sompoilem ..... anyways i will definitely buy some vcds and send for my friends too so that they are aware of this and dnt lose their loved ones too ..........
God is not blind .I have seen this video me and my wife could not stop crying.this are not doctors they are devils .they forgot their vow when they take to become a doctor.they vow to save people not to kill people.we talking on the web doesnt make any difference .All people no matter from which part of world they are should get together and raise our voice towards this monsters .I am very sorry for Ravina family, Justice in goa will never come from ministers it is we people who have to give justice to Ravina family.firstly lock the hospital .
ReplyDeleteThis is not negligence.. this is an act... all planned... surgery without test's.. it started all from there.. goa is full of bastards at the top level, all should be gunned down or buried alive or castrated. they could sell their own mothers and wives and daughters for money. it's a shame to even admit us as goans amongst those power and money hungry bloody dogs.
ReplyDeletei would think twice before i even think of visiting those born assholes in the hospitals.. and you people listen, m sure u all are aware that the ministers are involved in this.. without their consent the doc's will also not perform all this. so u know exactly who to attack.. but what the hell? one year is gone by, why the hell they are still alive? what are you goans living in goa doing? eating the ministers shit???
iam sorry for young girls nad their family.those type of doctors need to do something we beaing a goan not sapouse to keep quite like that we need unity wakeup goans,tomorrow it might be someone frm ur family thing twise goan shutdown the hospital get together with one word with one love the way u love ur family if there anything u guys need help wht ever i can i will give god bless u all goans love u all
ReplyDeleteIf Goan people are not taking initiative and not bringing out the result then shame on them, shame on the religious leader who renders only sermon but no practical, shame on political and social leader if they keep quiet after having so much support of these people and please think that "If I Die" ? ? ? ? ? Edwin
ReplyDeleteTaken from facebook -Part II
Looks like eveybody is 'bought' - including Bailancho Ekvott, press/media etc
very depressing for the family members n really sad to see such barbaric act from the doctors
thats why i say all are fools for help.. only they make money and kill HUMAN LIFE..... may her soul rest in peace..
Doctors now a days have lost their ethics. There should not be any court proceedings...public should come forward and kill them straight away. No police case...no chargesheet...no court....they are real bastxxxxrds.
Shocking !
ReplyDeleteGod is still on His Throne and His judgement are just and by the way they are very quick
Having viewed this video, my comments are as follows:
ReplyDeleteThere are two different issues being alleged:
[a] the unethical behaviour of the doctor who called the sister a bitch. This matter should be properly drafted - with witness accounts - and reported to the Dean of GMC and to the Indian Medical Council (Goa)
[b] medical negligence: for this to be properly filed, one must have the exact notes of the various stints in the hospitals. A good and ethical lawyer should be contacted to deal with this issue. If pro-bono help is required, you know whom to ask.
Whatever the true story might be...ALL the facts have to be visualised before coming to any judgment
Are they doctors or butchers? Goans must get up and wake up to the numerous crimes where innocent lives have been claimed in our tiny state. Corruption rules in our state. I would suggest that this matter should be reported to TV Channels like 'TIMES NOW' and 'HEADLINES TODAY' so that the culprits are made public and tried in the court of justice with the harshest of punishment. MERZINA, GOA.
ReplyDeleteJust like the Jessica Murder Case, Can the Media not the shit Herald & all..But the ones like NDTV help in getting justice to Ravina..Can we as goans decide one day to meet at azad maidan & get this Son of a Bitch Patel to where he belongs. If we don't act soon, then tomorrow don't expect any one to help you. Spread the news & lets do something. When the whole of Goa unites against these few soo called ministers nothing can stop us from getting justice. We just need to be together not everyday but for a cause. End of the day we will win & then we can be at peace, Damn did wrong whole life but atleast we did one thing right, atleast one. Remember one good deed can cover many sins. So whats the next step Goa??
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteI do not know where the alleged-doctor who called the sister a bitch, belongs. One thing is for sure: He surely does not belong in GMC or any other Goan hospital.
Enough supportive evidence should be collected and placed before the Dean of the GMC and the Indian Medical College ...and IF needed, the local MLA and Min of Health.
We should be fair. IF the evidence supports the sister's version of events, the call should be to suspend the concerned doctor immediately.
The issue of Negligence is quite separate and apart. That needs to be followed simultaneously.
I also wonder IF there are grounds to charge the doctors with assault: IF they have removed her kidneys or lenses (as alleged) without proper consent.
Its true an paining that we cant bring our loving Ravina's life back but by fighting for the justice we can bring peace and satisfaction to her family and can stop such a stupid, nasty work of doctors. All doctors are not bad but because of these illiterate doctors, greedy doctors, the doctors who don't find difference between their own mother and sisters other good doctors have to bear this stigma. Yes my friends lets come together to give justice to Ravina's family and indirectly justice to all of us. We people from Sindhudurg, Maharashtra are with you. Lets work together with one spirit. God is with us. He will guide us. Edwin, Sindhukalazomo
ReplyDeletewhy aren't there any names of the doctors who operated and consulted on her case,they should be taken to task.
ReplyDeleteHow to make people aware of this..How to make the big media's aware of this. These doctor have to be punished here on earth. Just like Anonymous said what is the next step.
ReplyDeleteDOCTORS! most of them think they are never wrong (are equally liars as lawyers). They forget the study of "COA" code of ethics when it comes to making their quick money. This is more common when they are paid a fixed salary by the government at the end of every month. I am sure Ravina is not a wealthy parents' child and so the story begins. God bless those who handled the patient and may God bless Ravina's soul too. And may her family overcome this great loss.
ReplyDeleteThere should be no place for wicked doctors and nurses or even ministers of bad intent. Where is our minister of health? Even if you close the pubs there is a secret entrance for these scoundrels. We must put an end to all these anti-social elements before the next generation follow their footsteps.
ReplyDeleteThat doctor should be shot like an nuisible animal.
ReplyDeleteI came across this very sad loss of a young life I have only come across this in our Konkani plays. Can the Goa Medical not look into this matter for the sake of all our medical personnel and the facts gathered. If there is foul play than the Justice authorities need to get involved there is no need for anyone to bribe.
ReplyDeletewith sincere condolonce to Family may God be with you all the way always
I saw the video & was deeply shaken with the way these doctors carried the vicious & inhuman act. Their rude behaviour against innocent ravina has builted my anger. I feel extremely sorry for ravina's family. May god give them the courage to overcome her death & may god bring justice for her. I can surely say that ravina's case isnt the only one of how such acts were performed. There is a big circle of hidding influential criminals with powerful ministers, social activist & others involved to make these doctors doing it with ease without fear at all.
ReplyDeleteGod knows how many life's were taken in this way & how many body parts were sold. Imagine people who have come to Goa from other states (Ghantis), god knows how many might have been killed in this inhuman way as no strong case can be registered & they can easily get away with their death. Its surely not the doctor's negligence, but a planned murder & a big crime taking undue advantage of their profession. These professional criminals & ministers should be cut into 100 pieces. I pray to god that such people involved die a severe, suffocating & painful death.
Its a high time for us goans that we realize what is happening around us. Moving an eye will only make these criminals to continue such acts. We should raise our voice & come-up so atleast we can stop other innocents being killed in this way.
As a matter of fact, this kamat govt is a totally corrupt govt ever. Its not only involved in corruption & money misuse but aslo failed to provide proper social justice against rape victims (so many cases), tackling drugs mafias & russians occupaying land & open immorality (foreign girls-russian etc) & numerous issues. I feel very sad that this small state will very soon loose its beauty & status & will be called as a drug & sex capital & we will be called as paddelers & pimps.
the doctors should be killed brutaly the way they troubled n killed Ravina,everyone should stand and protest against the doctors,they are not doctors they are animals,the video of the family talking clearly states that the doctors have taken the life of ravina,WHERE IS THE GOVERNMENT OF GOA IS THERE NO ONE WHO CAN HELP THIS FAMILY SHAME ON THE POLICES AND THE MINISTERS WHO CANNOT DO ANYTHING,,,i offer my heart felt sypathies to the family,be strong and fight for it i am sure god will show a way, ravina also maybe wanting the same,,how can the doctors be so cruel and stupid...fight youl will win i will pray everyday n also for the soul of ravina... go and give these videos to all the possible higher authorities...THE DOCTORS SHOULD BE PUNISHED
ReplyDeletewake up people of Goa ......its not too late the crime rate is increasing in Goa..... it happened to Ravina it can happen to any one of us or your loved ones.....v Goans have to unite together n not fall back due to any pressure or any threat...to all fellow Goans if v all stand up for this no one can stop us ..one day in life all of you that you did something right which u will proud of ....at least our future generation will say that v all fought for Ravina and their future... we all ha to put a end to all dis corruption Going in Goa....which has spoiled the name beauty and most of all the peace in Goa... People just by posting comments on the internet nothing is gonna happen we all need to go down n make things work and fight for it and everybody has to help in whatever way we can to bring justice to Ravina n her family....
ReplyDeleteIts indeed beyond sad, there's nothing else to say.., a young girl named Ravina died due to arrogant and negligent attitude of the doctors ... may she rest in peace. I wish her family to report this matter to Ministry of Health and demand an independent inquiry to find out the facts and order punishment for those responsible for her death.. I know this cannot bring their daughter back but this can save other lives by acting consciously instead of keeping mum over the mayhem they have gone through. As her sister mention on the video dozens of people who faced similar experiences in the same hospital... they should contact and come up with an idea of starting a forum for such victims.
ReplyDeleteMy request to Goa goverment... please suspended doctors whose negligence lead to the Ravina's death and immediate closure of so-called Hospital so that no more precious human lives are lost at the alter of butchers running that slaughter house...
The DR's in question shld be jailed...Even the health Minister shld be made accountable...Even scam after scams not a single minister has been made to resign.....
ReplyDeleteI think there is protest march to be held in vasco I will be attending it coming all the way frm Canacona will u fellow Goans??
very shocking, still more shocking is that politicians mum about it. i appeal to social activist and lawyers to take up the case.
ReplyDeleteDaring Doctors. A bunch of heartless doctors and nurses. How can they be heartlless, fearless for the act and fearless for any punishment. This shows they have suspport of the superiors. These Doctors/nurse, Govt and Goan Justice should be eliminated. Its time Goa has President rule until all corrupt politicians and authorities starrve to death and a fresh breed is born. Or else Goans will keep shouting for Justice, shouting to save Goa , shouting to save Goa's identity as they did for years wihout any results.
ReplyDeleteIt's indeed very sad... may god give ravina's family the courage to go through. Definitely my blood boils when i think of those rogue doctors.. they have no right to practice!!!
ReplyDeleteMy uncle too was denied the ICU treatment(although he got a stroke in the hospital itself, when he was tending to his son who was hospitalized for a month in GMC) on a lame excuse that the beds were full.. they would not give an oxygen cylinder and instead gave a old hand pump to pump in air. All of them are hand in glove at GMC... the nurses and doctors are the worst ever who forget that patients too are human!
- Mourning niece
I see stuff like Goans have to wake up. Where were we Goans for one year? Does it take too long for justice if we are all united? Writing it out does not really matter. We need to practice it. The girl deserves justice & she should get it no matter what.
ReplyDeleteThis is bloody murder of Ravina. People of Goa should come together and kill those bastards as law cant do anything. If we are feeding Kasab with top security what can we expect from Indian Law and from corrupt politicians. It is now high time to think and to act together to bring those culprits to justice.
ReplyDeleteMay God bless Ravina's soul and strength to her family.
Is there any online campaign from NRI's then I wish to Join.....
Kevin, Australia
If this case was at the time of election, every candidate who stands for election would have made a big issue out of it. Now they are sleeping and only thinking how to print money from the public for their own welfare. I felt sorry for late Ravina's family members.
ReplyDeleteAnyone from Goa please update latest status of this case.
ReplyDeleteAny docotr found guilty of this murder ?
Government took any action.
Where abouts of these docotrs.
if no one knows then i want someone to post some RTI from goa to get details of this case, so i can followup and make sure Raveenas soul rest in peace.
Please update me
A response received TODAY (9/9/11)from Bailancho Ekvott - Auda Viegas
ReplyDeleteQuoted below, unedited:
From: Auda Viegas
To: "JoeGoaUk@yahoo.co.in"
Cc: "savio@goachronicle.com"
Sent: Thursday, 8 September 2011 10:38 AM
Subject: please read this !!
‘The sin of insinuation is the worst sin of all’ Mahatma Gandhi.
Kindly respond.
Have the facts been verified? Even emotional outbursts have to have some ethical and boundaries.
It was Bailancho Ekvott who initiated action against the doctors both of Pai Hospital and unethical doctors of GMC for medical negligence and callousness. We have acknowledgments of the correspondences and our visits to the authorities for representing the case of innocent victim of medical negligence and callousness - Miss Ravina, and the cost incurred by us in the matter. It was our representations and complaints that compelled the Minister for Health to form a committee to look into the cause of death of this girl. We have personally and at our own cost accompanied the members of the family to police stations, to the secretariat, both for registering complaints as well as for deposing before the committee and the committee consisted of prominent doctors and Ex- Chairperson, Goa State commission for women under the Secretary, Health. At no point of time the committee has sat beyond 6.30 p.m. One has to know that unless the facts of what was done to the victim of the scalpel by those who were present at the time of her hospitalization at both places no proper evidence would come under record and therefore it would be difficult for the committee to come to any conclusion. The committee report is now ready that too at our persistent followed efforts! We are not people who publish our work on the newspapers on online and it goes on silently 24 x 7 for women. And we know that those doctors who performed unethical acts on Ravina are due, deserving punishment. We also reserve the right to pursue the case if justice is not done to Ravina.
It’s not just us who have studied in depth the post mortem report is speaking about pieces of both kidneys being sent for histopathology testing and the eyes are closed with the eyelids. Let’s talk about facts and not figments of imagination! 3 prominent doctors of GMC have conducted the Post Mortem. And we have had it studied by very good unbiased doctors. Therefore we are not people to wild outburst but we believe in fair play. It appears from this VCD that the struggle is not for justice but a publicity stunt to make money at the cost of an innocent victim and provoke people to comment upon the good work of our organization by filthy and unwarranted comments. Let me add that Bailancho Ekvott is not funded, not governmental and run purely on voluntary basis and works 24 x 7 for women and children.
Yes, it’s true that in a democracy there is freedom of speech, but let us not abuse it to allow comments like 'PIMPS' and other derogatory terms for people who work silently voluntarily and by spending their own money for the good of society. I think that the time has come to stop the maligning campaign by whoever initiated it or we prepared to face the consequences of such unwarranted acts.
It is not Bailancho Ekvott which is the cause of the death of this innocent victim in the first place. Despite all attempts at tarnishing our image we remain committed to our cause.
Auda Viegas, President - Bailancho Ekvott
172, Rua de Pe.Miranda,
HELPLINE: 270 5025
oh my god i just came to know today .....bless ur soul ravina n your family too.my prayers are with u .this doctors should be ashamed of doing all this....bloody crap people dats why i dot trust goa anymore..
ReplyDeleteFianlly, the report is out..
ReplyDeleteWhy, What or Who took so long to disclose the findings of the report?
High-level Committee was formed to investigate into the case back in July/Aug 2010
Why it took more than 15 months?? Who is is behind it? Could it be the Health Minister himself?
this blog is updated as on 28/11/11.
The doctors are bow booked.. pl visit periodically, for updates if any. Thanks. JoeGoaUk
Ravina definitely will get justice...
ReplyDeletePlease keep on updating this blog... We have to fight for her justice. Ravina's parents have already lost their belowed. I want to protect my near one and society from these devils. Lets fight against them.
ReplyDeleteHi I am Advocate Sushil Matkar thanks for your sentiments and valuable comments, thought and suggestions and so felt about updating you that today the Madgaon court has passed order by rejecting the Anticipatory Bail Application of three doctors. Our entire team will be keeping a watch on the further development and revert back to you all. thanks regards.
ReplyDeleteIf any of the media is interested in knowing about how far this case has reached all they have to do is approach the Vasco Police. Auda is not at all involved in the actual case or in contact with Ravina's family or the activist Maria who is working tirelessly to see the case go in the right direction. The lawyer Sushil is newly appointed and much is expected of him now. Bail has been applied for once again in High Court by the doctors who have not yet been arrested inspite of no interim bail being granted...WHY??? This is a criminal medical negligence case and people are arrested for lesser deeds immediately..??? This family is supported in prayer by Goans and others worldwide...Justice will prevail.
ReplyDeleteAn open request to our Chief Minister Mr. Manohar Parrikar.
My outcry for justice in Goa! Dear goan sisters and brothers its high time for us to step up and come out of the shadows and claim justice now. Its a real pity that we goans are not united if not this crime would not take place, there is no justice in Goa, money is the only justice! Coruption was well known everywhere you go, only hope that our new Chief Minister Mr. Parrikar will change things and put an end to injustice and corrruption. Some of our greedy doctors, politicians and police officers were gold diggers.
Those criminals doctors and nurses who took big part in this crime including ministers, police officers and so called magistrates are outlawed persons,who turn a blind eye on this crime only for quick money, they shall never ever be at peace. These so called doctors should face death penalty with no merci. Where are our goan lawyers? Goans its high time for us not to be bystanders any more, enough is enough! let us all stand up for justice, its now or never before it happens for the second time. This is not a new issue, there are two kinds of justice in Goa. ONE FOR THE RICH AND ONE FOR THE POOR! There can be no democracy without equal justice. Sorry to say so, the code of silence is also well known among the criminals cause they come from the same lot misconduct of the law makers, who are the law breakers at the same time what a shame and disgrace for our small Goa state. Some of these corrupters have plundered the goans, safe havens should no longer be granted like in the past.
Money power is in Goa, and its known to all! Secondly where are all those goan singers who normaly denounce injustice and misdeeds? A SONG FOR OUR BELOVED RAVINA! These so called doctors, nurses, some ministers and others who took part in this crime and gave cover near and far should be condemned to death, where is the so called judicial magistrate and the MLA'S?
Ever ready to turn a blind eye when it comes to money, enough is enough! Only hope that Mr. Parrikar brings these known criminals to justice now.
Sorry to say so! no prayers will ever bring back our beloved RAVINA and she shall be remembered in our hearts forever, we shall never overcome this great loss, again we urge justice for our beloved Ravina and her family and all the other goans who believe in justice! Its now Mr. Parrikar please see these criminals are not free to commit another crime.
With sincere condolences to Ravina's family.
With much love
Tommy Siolimkar
Finally, 3 doctors involved chargesheet
ReplyDeleteupdated 5.11.12
see blog above. thanks
It is pathetic that such incidents happen in this day and age.
ReplyDeleteWhy is finding/punishing the guilty such a chore in our Goa?
Politicians/Police embroiled with daylight rampant corruption are to blame.
Finally, all the coverage this case has had,from the like's of JoeGoaUK etc,have finally paid off.
To sum up,why do we have to get to this stage, where by justice is done,only if somebody or an organisation takes the initiative to expose such butchers that have the audacity to call themselves doctors????
Check for update 16.6.17
ReplyDeleteCourt orders to frame charges against Dr. Amonkar and Surme?
Newspaper cutting uploaded in the post above
A source:
ReplyDelete19 Lac Compensation amount as directed by a court not paid yet as they/ 3 doctors appealed against the order at National Commission Delhi. Case still pending..
The case is now at 3 different courts
I feel sorry for the Ravina family.
ReplyDeleteAs a law abiding citizen of the world,I believe strongly that "Justice should be timely and the guilty should be punished deservedly as per the law of the land"
Much water has flowed under the bridge since Ravina's death under suspicious circumstances, of a Medical misadventure in 2010
Common sense and instinctual vibes most assuredly focus their eyes on the erring medical staff and supportive services,including the hospitals and staff where this unfortunate event occurred.
Innocent and common law abiding citizens depend on the Justice of the Land,which invariably falls short of their rights and aspirations.Common Law is instituted to protect the Innocent and the Just, not Criminals.
"Justice delayed is Justice denied". And "Public memory is short"
Corrupt people feel politicians are their refuge to escape social and financial scourges. Yes, may be for sometime...but your conscience is the ultimate reality you have to face the guilt till you are either forgiven or death puts you apart from your loved earthly possessions,including your family. It is indeed a hard and harsh reality that you and only you will have to live till the end of your life.It's a pitiable situation though. I feel sorry for these doctors,those concerned in the inquiry panels and other government agencies who do not take responsibility to conduct the justice they are entrusted with.
We are at the end of 2018...and still no outcome.
My satisfaction,as an observer following this case, would be that Ravina's family be compensated with interest over the amount decided by the Goa State Consumer Re Redressal Court.
The implicated doctors in this instant case be Stripped of their Medical Registrations and the concerned Hospitals be censored and licences withdrawn with penalty.
A charge for murder by the erring doctors is what one can look into also.
These concerned doctors have denigrated the Hippocrates Oath as "Killers" and the concerned hospitals as "Graveyards"
I wonder why this matter has not found its way into the world social media? Maybe its the right time now, since it has been hibernating since 2010.
My advice to the family is to pursue the matter to seek the ends of justice,no matter how ,when and why.Get a respectable,trustworthy,intelligent and honest lawyer or barrister with INTEGRITY to fight your way through the legal process so that justice is restored. Have Faith in GOD. He is the ultimate JUDGE and his verdict.....no man can put asunder.
Happy to hear more... Maybe we can take it from here.
Good Luck. GOD bless.
Ordinary Human