Goodbye Terry (Band Lynx)
Terry was not just a Musician but a ‘good man’ too and that’s how many described him.
Funeral was attended by many people including Remo Fernandes, Bondo, Sigmund, Allen De Sa, Dr. Francisco Colaco etc etc

Band Members carry Terry in the Church
Priest peforming final rites
Stand - Picture
Musical performance by freinds
Priests - Concelebrated Mass
souvenir - Pics

More pics added 2 days later (see below links)
choir http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra4/7664302260/in/photostream/
With Remo etc http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra4/7664309132/in/photostream/
Grave/Coffin/burial http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra4/7664302860/in/photostream/
One of his friends came all the way from Europe (applied for compassionate leave) just for the funeral, otherwise, he should be celebrating his birthday today. Such a great man Terry was.
Funeral was attended by many people including Remo Fernandes, Bondo, Sigmund, Allen De Sa, Dr. Francisco Colaco etc etc
Choir was a selection of top Goan bands, I am told. Their entire Entry (Mass) song is added to the video clip No. 1
Sadly, I could not wait till the end and hence missed Remo /Bondo, Sigmund, Musical Tribute etc
However, some clips are seen in Video 4 (see in the end)

Terry was not an ordinary man, he was an exceptional man, one of a kind & we will miss him very much. He got the grandest farewell any Goan musician could ever get.
After his mortal remains were brought from his home to the church, it was kept outside the church from 3:45 pm till 4:30 pm, acoustic instruments were kept & many musicians played tributes to him. The choir consisted of member of top Goan bands, namely : Brothers In Arms, Archies, A26, Tidal Wave, DNT, SkyHigh & Lynx. Remo Fernandes played a lovely flute tribute during the post communion. Sigmund played & sang a beautiful song for Terry as he was to be taken on his final journey. An amazing slide show was presented on the life of Terry with him singing " What a Wonderful World " in the background. unfortunately i was unable to record this as i was in tears.
After Terry was laid to rest: being African born, Lawry, Sigmund, Remo, Assumption, Abel, Veena & Bondo played Malaika, Jambo Wana & Adious for him at the graveyard. All this is covered briefly in this video.no.4
For those of us who knew Terry, who know that he loved music and gave 40 years of his life to it. He had 5 albums to his credit. He always said " Life gives you only one chance - so enjoy it. As no matter where you go or what you do it will always be a wonderful world. He practiced what he preached.
Thank you Daddy, for all the wonderful memories you have left me with. I will never forget you. 24th July was the day i was born & the same day you were laid to rest. I will carry the memory all my life. I love you very much & I m gonna miss you more than words can ever express.
R.I.P Daddy.
01/10/1956 - 17/07/2012
01/10/1956 - 17/07/2012
Jurgen Mycroft Pacheco

Here are some pics
Band Members carry Terry in the Church
Priest peforming final rites

Musical performance by freinds

souvenir - Pics

Video clip
More pics added 2 days later (see below links)
Remo Fernandes
http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra4/7664301914/in/photostreamBand member’
http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra4/7664302576/in/photostream/Sigmund, Lawry etc
Video 1
Video 2 - Funeral Pics
with singing in the background- Remo, Sigmund, Bondo, Lawry etc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNLb4uGrV7g
Video 3 A tribute by a friend (jurgenmycroft)
Video 4 Funeral (by jurgenmycroft) http://youtu.be/IKJxENDyLHo
Video 5 Memorial of Legendary Goan Musician " Terence Vaz " aka " Terry "
at Joets - Bogmallo (by jurgenmycroft)
The official website of the band