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Thursday, 16 May 2013

Goans for Dabolim only - Public meet at Lohia Maidan, Margao 15.5.13 , 2.4.14, 31.1.15

Goans for Dabolim only - Public meet
at Lohia Maidan, Margao 15.5.13, 2.4.14 and 31.1.15

Saturday, 31st Jan 2014 4pm onwards

Pics and Videos

Fr. Eremito Rebello


Stage/ Dais/Dignitaries

Fr. Eremito Rebello, Ramesh Gauns, Rajendra Kakodkar,

Jose Mario, Celso Fernandes, Zarinha da Cunha, Sidharth Karapurkar,

Jeorge Fernandes


Ramesh Gauns


Francis de Tuem singing on MOPA


Varun Carvalho


Zarina D’Cunha


Jeorge Fernandes


Celso Fernandes


Rajendra Kakodkar





Paying respect to Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia


With Politicians

Reginaldo Lourenco, Churchill Alemao, Vijay Sardesai, Mahesh Naik etc


MLAs, Ex MLA speaking


Cops, Advocates also listening with interest



Nuns in the crowd


Stage background


Dr. Ram Lohia

Video 1: Francis de Tuem singing

Video 2 - Fr. Eremito Rebello

Video 3: Reginaldo Lourenco, Vijay Sardesai, Churchill Alemao


Some facts and proof
Fr. Eremito Rebello exposes them all..


On 22nd Oct 1999,  the Chief Minister Luizinho Faleiro writes to Ravindra Gupta, Secretary of Civil Aviation
“..I would also like you to take action on our agreement to have an International Airport at North Goa, the process for which can be initiated immediately’
Why did Luizinho wanted the new Airport to start immediately?

 The Chief Miniter Francisco Sardinha writes on 21st February 2000 to Civil Aviation Minister ‘..I wish to request you for your intervention in the matter for an early decision  (on Mopa Airport)’

1st May, 2000, Minister for Civil Aviation writes to Goa Government
‘..closure of Existing Dabolim Airport for Civilian operation on commissioning of new Airpot at Mopa’

 April 13, 2013 a front page interview on V Ixtt with Former Rajya Sabha MP John Fernandes
‘..I have a long discussion  with Ajit Singh, the Civil Aviation Minister, he say once Mopa Airport is Commissioned, the Dabolim Airport will be entirely taken over by the Navy’

On Damu Naik, BJP spokesperson
Navy holding vast vacant land, give back to us
10,00,000sqmtr vacant land
1,80,000sqmtr Golf Course
1,60,000sqmtrs other grounds

Dabolim Airport falls in South Goa or North Goa?

view it bigger here

Listen to Parrikar.. 15.10.14


Goans for Dabolim only
The Peoples Assembly
Public meeting at Lohia Maidan, Margao.

 2nd April 2014

Fr. Eremito says
(watch Video)
Some excerpts

We are fighting with facts and figures
But our CM fights in the Air

Alina Cabinet Minister suggest that people to come together and drive Navy out of Dabolim
But CM says Navy is needed, where the Govt. Stand?

BJP candidate did not attend because he is for MOPA

CM is full of lies, one can write a book about it (lies)
Yet there was a lie saying Dabolim Airport will be saturated by 2017 – Big Lie
ICAO report says Dabolim can handle traffic beyond 2025

CM is habitual liar
He thinks he is IITian  and we are foolish
He has this Psychological problem

 There will be no need of another airport for atleast next 40 years

(Showing it to the people), I have this list of all those who purchased land around MOPA
(People shouted requesting to read out the list..)

MOPA is not for Goans but for the rich and the builders

This Govt is not for the Goans
There is no proper water, electricity, garbage issues etc and Govt is declaring new schemes
Imposes taxes only to fund his schemes

watch video for more

PicsFr. Eremito Rebello

People on the side road

The mango Tree with mangoes on it

Reginald Lourenco (Congress)

Churchill Alemao (Trinamool)


Savio Rodrigues (Goa Suraj Party) GSRP
Shalom Sardinha (Independent)
Raju Magueshkar (CPI)

Jorge (Taxi union)

Sandeep Kambli


Candidates for Lok Sabha Election 2014


Churchill Reginald

Lohia Maidan


Front page colour ad

Video 1:  6 candidates declare their full support for Dabolim only
Churchill Alemao, Reginaldo Lourenco, Swati Kerkar, Savio Rodrigues,
Shalom Sardinha, Raju Mangueshkar

Video 2: Fr. Eremito Rebello Speaking

Income and Expenditure:
Collection during the First meeting Rs.72,700
Other Donations 94,300
Total: 1,67,000

Printing and Stationery Rs.42,000
Meeting all over Goa 82,000 (excluding this one)
Press Conferences 10,500
MOPA inspection 6,700
Lawyer's fees 20,000
Total: 1,61,800
Balance at hand: about 5,000
Last year...

Opposition to MOPA is growing, many in favour of retaining Dabolim Airport as the only Airport of Goa.  Many even feel including  some MLAs/Ministers that Navy should shift it's base to nearby Karwar Seabird which is about 100kms from here.

Dabolim is centrally located  where as the proposed MOPA is located at the extreme north (Closer to Maharastra State border).

One of the main reasons where people oppose the proposed MOPA airport is that they fear that existing Dabolim Airport will be closed for civilian use once MOPA is commissioned on the grounds of National Security.

Goa's Anjediva Island near Karwar which was handed over  to NAVY with a condition that Goans or Civilian people  will be given access to the Island  i.e. 2nd Feb every year so as to enable them to celebrate  traditional feast of Our Lady of Brotas  at the Church (Oldest Church) located on the Island. However, Navy refused to entertain Civilians on the day giving security reasons.
Now, people feel, Dabolim Airport too will be lost on similar grounds when Goa has two airports.

Goans for Dabolim only

Public Rally at Lohia Maidan, Margao - Goa
On 15th May 2013 where 6 MLAs including two ministers also attended the meeting

some pics and videos here



Towards La Marina


Dr. Ram Lohia

MLA Benjamin D'silva, MLA Caitu d'silva, Minister Avertano Furtado,

MLA Benjamin D'silva, MLA Caitu d'silva, Minister Avertano Furtado,
MLA Vijay Sardesai, MLA Reginaldo Lourenco

With Minister Alina

MLA Vijay Sardesai, MLA Reginaldo Lourenco and Minister Alina Saldanha

Fr. Eremito Rebello (convenor)


Floriano Lobo

Dr. Francisco Colaco

 Eva Singing

Adv. Yatish Naik

Kambli and Rajendra

Rajendra Kakodkar

Agnelo Rodrigues GRA

Sandeep Kambli ( Mopa)


Goa Police Mama

Swati Kerkar

 Benjamin, Caitu and Avertan

Dr. Varun Carvalho

Dr. Marconi Correia, Agnelo Rodrigues, ?, Fr. Eremito Rebello, Adv Yatish Naik, Swati Kerker , ?,
Sandeep Kambli, Rajendra Kakodkar, ?

Video 1 - Fr. Eremito Rebello speaking

Video 2  songs & speeches
Dr. Marconi, Sandeep kambli, Agnelo Rodrigues, Varun Carvalho, Eva, Rajendra Kakodkar, Swati kerker, Yatish Naik, Fr. Eremito rebello,.. Lohia Maidan Margao

Fr. Eremito, on the eve of the last elections

Video  3 : Zai Zai Zai Dabolim Airport Zai  (Eva and Zeferino)

Dabolim Airport supporters, please sign this petition

Shift the Naval installations from Dabolim-Goa to Seabird Karwar or to Belgaum

Because Dabolim is Goa's certified Civilian Airport existing and operating as one since before 1961.
click here to sign