If any politician whom I would respectably address as ‘Sir’ would be the one and only Sir Matanhy Saldanha,
a true Goan by heart. His other name, I would say 'Goa'.
This is what he always said in his speeches.
Goa just lost one of its very few saviours.
Adieus Matanhy Sir.
Matanhy Saldanha died on 21st March 2012
Funeral on 24th March 3pm at Cansaulim
It was only 5 days since he took charge of the Tourism Ministry (Forest & Environment).

Matanhy's grave on 21.3.2013

Video - a tribute
Parrikar, Fonseca, Prajal, Fr. Eremito, SEZ, GPA etc included


My post in 2008 on Matanhy's 60th birthday (with pics)
update: 23/3/12
Matanhy's body brought home
some pics

Cansaulim Residence

Placed in the mobile morgue

Matanhy’s two sisters seated right

At Cansaulim church
http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra3/6862179562/in/photostream/This is at Cortalim - Sancoale junction

Video 1 - Matanhy brought home..
UpadateL 24th March 2012
The Final journey
Niz Goemkar to
Goemcho okondd khambo to
Mozo gaum-bhau to
Adieus, Matanhy Saldanha
Matanhy into his coffin at home
Wife Alina also seenhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra3/6865059514/in/photostream/

Decorated with flowers – The final resting place
People lined up to pay last respect
the funeral brass band
Matanhy leaving home for the last time – Parrikar also seen
The politicians in the crowd
CM Parrikar, Arun Jaitley, Shripad Niak, Shashikala Kakodkar, Damu Naik, Mickky Pachecowife Viola, Francis D'Souza, Rajendara Arlekar etc

Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar assured that Matanhy’s wishes
would be fulfilled through his colleagues http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra3/7011170975/in/photostream/
‘Go ahead Alina, we are with you’ said Fr. Eremito Rebello
Matanhy along with his family members
a section of the crowd
another section
over 50 priests – Concelebrated mass
A section
With Bishop Filipe Neri, Fr. Jose Remedious and Fr. Lucio Dias
Here is Sir Matanhy – With State / National honour
Matanhy’s sisters etc
Wife Alina
Padmashree Remo Fernandes paid a beautiful musical tribute – Flute
the coffin top / Cover
http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra3/6865067098/sizes/l/in/photostream/Additional/Update: midnight 24/3/12
Saw Manohar Parrikar arriving at 2pm
Funeral time was 3pm. He was there all the time outside the residence.
Funeral service got over after 6pm (Cemetery) and the whole thing must have go over at 7pm (wishing family member etc)
He assured Matanhy’s wishes will be fulfilled with the help of his colleagues
Matanhy’s niece Malisa also made an emotional speech.
Alina w/o Matanhy also made an emotional speech saying she lost her best friend, lost reason for living, lost everything for Matanhy was everything to her.
She also said ‘Matanhy’s greatest love was Goa and people of Goa’
Matanhy always said ‘Everything I do, I do so that I can live after my death’
She thanked Matanhy for giving her 20 beautiful years of her life.
Remo played beautiful musical tribute.
Another thing I saw for the first time was the priests going down to the people to serve Communion. Almost all priest were distributing the Holy Communion.
Fr. Eremito Rebello, in his homily, said Alina (w/o Matanhy) should take the challenge to carry on with the work of Matanhy and that we the people will be there for her.
He also said Goa needs special status besides cleaning up the mess.
He also said money looted should be brought back to the state coffers.
Cemetery was beautifully decorated with flower wreaths etc.
Funeral march was very beautiful (with Police band etc), something I think I saw for the first time (except in Movies).
Sadly, I was not able to capture the 21 gun-shots, battery problem as if it had to run-down at that time only.
Some more pics
Matanhy leaving home for the last time
CM Parrikar seen carrying his friend’s coffin

This funeral march really brought tears in my eyes
with Police band
coming out of the church - Friends and neighbours carrying coffin
Coffin / casket draped in the Union Flag / National Flag
Opp. Leader Mr. Arun Jailey flew all the way from Delhi..
Video 2 - Funeral photos
Video 3 - Remo Fernandes paying Musical Tribute
Some more pics
Flowers wreaths and messages
Police Brass Band
Cemetery – last rites
Main video - added 25th March late night
Matany Saldanha - Last journey
as the video is long, here I give your some timelime
so that you can skip and watch that part which may interests you.
The Video:
Starting with Parrikar at the residence – Must watch
2.15 Church square round-up, cemetery, grave
4.02 back to residence – People Q etc
7.00 Arun Jaitley arrives, Brass band
9.10 Funeral service starts
10.20 Leaving the residence with Parrikar etc – Must watch
12.25 Funeral march, police band etc – Must watch
17.00 Arun Jaitley speech – Must watch
20.00 Mass service starts
22.00 Bhishop talks
25.00 Fr. Eremito homily – must watch
35.00 Communion
41.37 Remo – Must watch
42.15 CM Parrikar – Must Watch
43.41 Alina - wife of Matanhy – Must watch
50.07 funeral leaves for final salute
55.25 for burial
The End
Music: brass band, Remo’s flute tribute added to the background.
Video 4 - the last journey
Thanks you for your support.
I got lot of views in flickr pics upto 650 per pic in less that 24hours
It really made my day as if I have been paid for my work or efforts, what else I need ham?
May our Matanhy rest in peace
Viva Goa!
Grave on 26th Mrch

Update: 24th Oct. 2012
Remembering Matanhy on his 64th birthday 24th Oct.
Remembering Matanhy on his 64th birthday
At Kala Academy on 24th Oct.2012 6-10pm
Debate on the topic of ‘Development at what cost?’ Participants were Vishnu Surya Wagh, Subhash Phaldessai, Rohan Khaunte, Nirmala Sawant, Dr Oscar Rebello, Adv Thalman Pereira & Sandesh Prabhudesai moderator. watch video V below
As part of this programme, various people also paid their tribute to Matanhy including Fr Savio Gomes, Kamini Kundaikar, Prajal Sakhardande, Agnelo Rodrigues, Shalini Barbosa Saxena, Fr. Eremito Rebello,
Dilip Cotta, Vijay Pai Khot, Edgar Vales, Mahesh Sonak, Raju Mangueskar, Dasharath Naik, etc. see their pics in Alina's video below - Video II
Musical programme by Debbie Fernandes, Varun Carvalho, Kris Saldanha, Konkani Cantar Trio by Jaju – Salu – Tommy, Violin recital by Goa String Quartet etc - watch Video I and II
At Kala Academy on 24th Oct.2012 6-10pm
Debate on the topic of ‘Development at what cost?’ Participants were Vishnu Surya Wagh, Subhash Phaldessai, Rohan Khaunte, Nirmala Sawant, Dr Oscar Rebello, Adv Thalman Pereira & Sandesh Prabhudesai moderator. watch video V below
As part of this programme, various people also paid their tribute to Matanhy including Fr Savio Gomes, Kamini Kundaikar, Prajal Sakhardande, Agnelo Rodrigues, Shalini Barbosa Saxena, Fr. Eremito Rebello,
Dilip Cotta, Vijay Pai Khot, Edgar Vales, Mahesh Sonak, Raju Mangueskar, Dasharath Naik, etc. see their pics in Alina's video below - Video II
Musical programme by Debbie Fernandes, Varun Carvalho, Kris Saldanha, Konkani Cantar Trio by Jaju – Salu – Tommy, Violin recital by Goa String Quartet etc - watch Video I and II
Video I
In this video you will watch, a small part of Parrikar’s speech, Kris solo, Debbie,
Varun, villagers group singing, Cantar Trio, Dilip Cotta singing, Fr. Eremito Rebello, Alina Saldanha etc
Varun, villagers group singing, Cantar Trio, Dilip Cotta singing, Fr. Eremito Rebello, Alina Saldanha etc
CM Parrikar also talked on this occasion, a 35 mins long speech. Watch Video IV
The KA auditorium was full to the capacity
Some pics

Parrikar, Alina lighting the lamp

A section of the audience

GRE Leader Agnelo Rodrigues
Dr. Oscar in action
Cantar Trio singing
Debbie and Kris

Parrikar, Alina lighting the lamp

A section of the audience

GRE Leader Agnelo Rodrigues
Dr. Oscar in action
Cantar Trio singing
Debbie and Kris
Video II Alina Speaking - With all speakers' pics, Arun, Debbie and Villagers http://youtu.be/xme8-p4xI7A
Video III Kris Singing http://youtu.be/S6TwP7JcRm0
Video IV CM Parrikar Speaking (Entire Speech) http://youtu.be/qXzvHmAvfUM
Video V - Debate, Development at what cost?
Matanhy Statue at Cansaulim
on his 66th birthday 24th Oct. 2014

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