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Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Young RAVINA died or killed (by doctors)?

Surgical complications

Young Ravina Rodrigues, a student of St. Joseph Convent 
 High School, Nagoa (Verna) died a mysterious death at the 
hands of Doctors (?).

It was a simple case of Appendicitis but her Kidneys removed (?)

Ravina died of surgery complications. 
She was operated not just once or twice..
Operations took place at Vasco and GMC hospitals.

There was a VCD on this tragedy/Case but  soon run out of 
stock (all sold out within a week)

I bought this VCD today. Rs.130.

Miss RAVINA Somplem vo Sompoilem? by Victor D'Cunha

Late Ravina's entire family seen above (Father, Mother, 3 sisters & one brother)

It  has a song on Ravina  and ‘family speaks’ footage of about 17 minutes.

Pictures of Pai Hospital, Vasco, mention of Doctor Surme, Dr. Patel, Dr. Amonkar,
Dr. Dilip, GMC Ward No.106 and its nurses (Typical GMC nurses attitude also exposed).

From the LIVE footage, it also appears that the doctors were very rude to the family members.
One Dr. Patel even called the sister 'bitch'.
In some cases, I found very hard to believe the way the doctor acted or their alleged rude behaviour

It also talk about Auda of Bailancho Saad or Ekvott (-ve), Home Ministers,  Sequeira,
Mickky, Goa police etc
News/Media like Herald, Tarun Bharat, Goa365, Prudent etc (for giving no or very less coverage)
There were about 30 press/media persons at press conference organised by BE at her residence.

Picture of operated parts or cross section - Vertically and horizontaly (like a big Cross)
on  deceased stomach  also shown at GMC ward/bed.
In another pic, late Ravina also shown her 'eyes removed?' (Doctors confirm lenses removed?)
It also talks about pipes and holes all over her body.

It says something about a long syringe/injection  with black contents/fluid injected
into Ravina by a nurse (at the instruction of Dr. Patel).

Elder sister (Ravika) tells a hair-raising story how it all happened and how it all ended up.
The last moments of Ravina life (sufferings) and how she breathed her last in Dr. Patel's hand.
' Mojem ang pasun xirrr zalem'.

Doctors act was cruel. Don't know if Doctors are human or animals.
From this (VCD), it is obvious that Doctors killed Ravina

(the above VCD footage also available on the net uploaded into Facebook and Youtube)
watch  video below

It’s  one year now, died on 29/7/2010

Young RAVINA died or killed (by doctors)?

What has happened to this case?

Any doctors found guilty?

Will Ravina ever get justice?

So many questions but no answers.

 Where Goa is heading for?


some pics and video
Ravina pics
 Video funeral where the classmates sing ‘Good Bye Ravina..

Video - First information Report (FIR) - Family speaks...
(Thanks to Victor D' Cunha)

Updated: 29.7.11

Ravina's Death Anniversary today..
A small video clip

some pics

Family members at her grave

some more dtd 29.7.11

Update: 16.9.2011
Ravina's Mother in a press statement..


Gloria Rodrigues

resident of B-44
Poreibhat, Verna, Salcete – Goa.
Tel: 9822418081


Date:16th September 2011

Under the Indian Medical CouncilAct, my husband had requested GMC for the medical documents of my deceaseddaughter Ms. Raveena Rodrigues through an application dated 12thSeptember, who expired in GMC on 29/07/10, due to the medical negligence of thedoctors. As per the notification from Medical Council of India, if any requestis made for the medical records, the same should be issued within 72 hours. GMChas failed to reply to our request and we will be taking up this matter to thehigher authorities. We are not surprised that GMC has not replied to thisletter, as we know that they are not having proper records. Our case wasneither registered as MLC nor non-MLC on our arrival at GMC with our daughterin critical condition on 10th July 2010.

There are rumours spread by somepeople as why this case has come up after a year and why all this was not donea year back? I would like to clarify that we were following up this case withthe concerned authorities but they all were waiting for the medical committee’sreport, which was appointed by the Health Secretary Goa. We have also given anapplication on 22nd August 2011 under RTI to get this report buttill now we have not received any reply from the Government medical board. Idoubt if the committee is really formed by the Health Secretary to investigateinto this issue. If a medical board is formed, then they should have called usto take our statement and our allegations against the medical team. We know thepain and agony which our beloved daughter went through in the hands of doctorsfrom 3rd July to 29th July 2010. Even after her death thebody was kept outside the Forensic department for 28 hours since we weredemanding for autopsy of the dead body. The doctors did not even have pity onthe dead body of my daughter. My daughter has suffered a lot when she was aliveand now her soul is waiting for justice.

One of the doctor from GMC, who isalso an accused in the petition filed in the Criminal court of Vasco has sentmy husband, Mr. Micheal Rodrigues and the producer of the VCD “Raveena Somplemvo Sompoilem”, Mr. Victor D’Cunha a warning notice to stop the circulation ofthe VCD in the market as the doctor says that we have made false allegationsagainst him. Neither Mr. Victor D’Cunha nor my daughter, Mrs. Ravika Rodrigueshas given any defamatory statements against any of the hospitals or doctors. TheVCD is based on the real facts and the trauma which my family went through inGMC from 10th to 29th July 2010. I have lost my preciousdaughter due to the negligence of the doctors. We cannot forget the pain andagony which my daughter went through from 3rd to 29thJuly 2010.

As per the notice, it is surprisingto know that the official records of GMC show that the patient was shifted toICU on 13/07/10, whereas the patient was shifted to ICU on 15/07/10. Are thedocuments manipulated to save the doctors?

The notice also states that themedical attention provided was to the best of the abilities of the doctors. ButI don’t understand this ‘best treatment’ in which my daughter was stitchedleaving big gaps and the portions which had opened later were filled by fillingcotton inside my daughter, Ms. Raveena Rodrigues, which was another reason forthe increase in Septicemia in her body. The big cut of 21 cms on her stomachwas not even dressed. Whenever the stitches opened, more cotton was filled inher stomach. My daughter was operated in GMC without our consent. The reasonfor the second operation was not mentioned on the document, as the documentswere blank and might have been filled later. My daughter’s dialysis pipes andoxygen pipes were removed infront of our eyes and the doctors left her to dieon the bed. My husband will be taking this issue to the court to discuss moreon this subject. It seems like the doctors at GMC were treating my daughter for19 days without knowing the cause of her sickness and hence they had to form acommittee to know the reasons of her death. Is this the best treatment given tomy daughter at GMC or were the doctors experimenting with my daughter’s life?

The Forensic department at GMC areto conduct the autopsy of the dead body and to give their report for the causeof death. But in Raveena’s case the Forensic department, in a letter to Vascopolice station had instructed the investigating officer to inquire with theprivate hospital (where Raveena was first operated) and from GMC doctors to getthe final opinion whether the hamemporitoneum was due to slipped mesoappendixligature or ruptured corpus leutial ovarian cyst. How could the investigatingofficer involve into this inquiry when the medical board had already set up anexpert team to do the investigation? Is Forensic department a judiciaryorganization to give instruction to the police officers? Now after a year, oneof the accused doctor in this case has come up with his opinion that thehamemporitoneum was due to the slipped meso appendix ligature. But according tome, we do not want statements from the accused doctors. We want the finalreport from the medical board set up by the Health Secretary.

I kindly request The Health Minister and The Chief Minister to look into this matter seriously.

Updates November 2011

The first operation was performed without mandatory diagnostic tests and allegations that OT of Pai Nursing Home was ill equipped and unhygienic

Why, What or Who took so long to disclose the findings of the report?
High-level Committee was formed to investigate into the case back in July/Aug 2010
Why it took more than 15 months?? Who is is behind it? Could it be the Health Minister himself?

Report obtained under RTI

Raveena Death –enquiry Report –  Obtained Under RTI

Page 34

Page 35

Update: 25/Nov/2011

NT video news 28/11/11

Update: 7th Dec. 2011

Bailancho Ekvott in a letter to Vaco Police Station has demanded that the provision of Goa Children Act be charged against the persons who are implicated in the death of Minor girl.  Also, demanded chargesheet be filed  before the Children Court as the victim is a minor after including section  8(2) r/w section 2 (m) in the FIR.

Copy to Sp South, DySp/Vasco

In another letter to Health Minister,  Ekvott  has requested for his immediate intervention and demanded

1.      Cancelation of Registration of Pai Hospital

2.      Govt. to take policy decision to debar the Govt. doctors from having private practice.

3.      Compensation from the Govt to the next of kin

 Copy to Health Secretary, Porvorim, DGP Panjim & Dean GMC Bambolim

Source: scanned letters received from BE

The three doctors viz Dr. Surme, Dr. Pai and Dr. Amonkar  wanted in Ravina's death case are not traceable. The 3 suspects have moved for an anticipatory bail application in Margao Court which came up for hearing on 5th Dec. 2011.
However, Vasco police has opposed the  doctors’ bail. 
The court will now pronounce it’s order on Dec. 16

Update: 17.12.11
The court will now  deliver it's order (on abv bail  hearing) on 23rd Dec. 2011

update: 23.12.11
The Court has rejected the doctors' bail plea. 
The doctors will now have to go through Children Court
Hopefully, the arrest of 3 docs will follow next..

Message fron Bailamcho Ekvott (NGO)
Dear Joe,

We had filed an intervention application in the bail application who had filed for anticipatory bail (Anti Bail No 297/11, 298/11,295/11)in sessions court south goa margao of the 3 doctors namely Dr. Pai, Dr. Surme, and Dr. Amonkar.

We provided late Ravina's Birth Certificate to prove our points that she was a minor and the sessions court had no jurisdiction to hear/decide the bail application of these 3 doctors. their bail application was rejected and now they have to go to the childrens court.

this is for your information as we are not going to give up this case till it reaches its logical conclusion i.e justice for deceased ravina and compensation for her next of kin.

Today is 27.12.11, wondering, why no doctors arrested yet??

Update Nov.5, 2012
Finally, 3 doctors chargsheeted

VASCO: Two years after the death of a minor girl from Vasco, Raveena Rodrigues, 15, the Vasco police on Monday filed a chargesheet in the children's court, Panaji, against three doctors, including one from the Goa Medical College and hospital (GMC), Bambolim, for alleged medical negligence.

Dr Dilip Amonkar from GMC, Dr Shantaram Surme from Vasco and Dr Shridhar Pai, owner of Pai Nursing Home, Vaddem-Vasco, have been named as accused in the case. The girl was admitted at Pai Nursing Home and operated on July 3, 2010. She was rushed to GMC on July 10 after her condition worsened. She died on July 29, 2010, at GMC.

Her family had suspected foul play in her death. Following a public outcry, the government had formed a committee to inquire into the matter. Headed by secretary (health), the committee included director of health services, dean of GMC, Dr Pramod Salgacoar and Dr Emidio Gomes as members and joint secretary (health) as the member secretary. The committee found that there was medical negligence and had recommended action.

Following the committee's report, the victim's father had filed a complaint in November 2011. The case was registered on the directions of the Vasco JMFC. After the case was registered, then PSI Milind Bhuimbare in July this year had sought permission from the authorities to prosecute the doctors. The file, according to the sources, went right up to the chief minister's office and the approval for the chargesheet came on November 1.

The police inspector in charge of Vasco police station, Rupendra Shetgaonkar, filed the chargesheet.

Raveena's father Michael said that the doctors should be punished to prevent occurrence of such incidents in the future wherein patients' lives are at risk due to medical negligence.

The girl's brother-in-law, Marcus D'Cunha, said that the GMC doctor should be placed under suspension, while the medical council of Goa should take appropriate action against the other two.


Update August 2013 - Sorry,  nothing heard on this case..

Update: 8th March 2014
Consumer District Forum directs 3 doctors to pay Rs.19 Lakh Compesation
A source:
3 doctors did not pay pay the above compensation amount as they  appealed  against the order at National Commission Delhi.  Case still pending..

The case is now at 3 different courts

Update: 16.6.2017
Court orders to frame charges against 2 doctors Amonkar & Surme

Update: 21.10.17
2 Doctors' appeal dismissed by High Court

Update 24.4.23
Dr Amonkar, others absolved in medical negligence case

Monday, 25 July 2011

The Global Goans Convention London 2011

The Global Goans Convention London
22-25th July 2011


The convention was  inaugurated by lighting the traditional lamp by
NRI Affairs Mr Eduardo Faleiro, Valerie Vaz, Labour MP for
Walsall South (UK) and the Indian High Commission’s Consular
 Affairs Minister Amitabh Mathur, Councillor Rabi Martins
from Watford Borough Council (UK) and Arjan Vekaria,
President of Hindu Forum Britain

(watch videos below)

Goan Festival 2011
(A part of Global Goans Convention London) Day 3.

There was a mass to begin with followed by Cultural program.

It was a Goa like scene created all over the venue with variety
food stalls etc (watch video below)
Sorpotel, Sausages (Cheurisam), Rechad Bangdde
(Stuffed Mackerels), Roasted piglings, Goan Masala or
 you name it, all was there.
There were food stalls from Bernie’s Goan Ktchen,
Carvalho’s pickles. Natasha Cakes, Tilda Rice,
Dos Santos Food, Olde Goa, The True Taste of Goa,
Red Chillies, Taste of Goa, Goan Food Palace,
Luiza Kitchen, Agnes Caterers, Silveira’s, Mariano’s catering,
Dom Maria Catering, Maggies’s, Ealing Goan Association,
Crown chef, Diamantina Catering, Fenny Fever etc etc

People enjoyed the different food stalls and drinks


While browsing through the event fair /stalls area,
this one has caught my eyes so did of many others.
It was infact, a talking Picture or poster that really talked
loud and clear. And it talked about our Goa.

Coming on to the main stage of the event,
Agnelo Fernandes (Alfred Rose sound alike)

Opened the musical show with his favourite
(Late Melody King Alfred Rose) song AMI SOGLE EK (watch video below)
followed by DOTORANCHO DOTOR, the crowd was cheering..
Agnelo dedicated this performance to Mariano from Germany who sponsored his ticket
to this event and Alfred Rose his singing idol without whose songs he would not be on stage.

There come The Goan Nightingale Miss Lorna Cordeiro with
her opening song DENNEM. (watch video below)
 People were seen crowding the stage many with cameras
in their hands. Lorna and Agnelo really rocked the show.  
The Music was lead by Norman Cardozo from Goa along
with the local musicians.


There was also a performance by solo and trio singers like
Francis de Mungul, Braganza Brothers (watch video below),
Victor de Verem,  F X Pereira etc.

Earlier there was a folk dance performance ‘LAMP DANCE’
Shigmo, GOFF dance from a group from Goa,
besides a Goan Kharvi Dance by Goan R US/KDA and Dheknni dance by youngsters on stage. (watch video below)


There was also a screening of Konkani Film ‘O MARIA’ 
by Rajendra Talak

More Pics

Click on these links and then on pics for bigger view

Day 1

Day 3 Lorna and others

Food Stalls etc

Slide Show

Convention day 1 - Welcome by President Flavio etc - VIDEO

Agnelo Fernandes (Alfred Rose) Sings - Day 2  - VIDEO

Lorna, the Goan nightingale - Day 3  - VIDEO

Cultural program (Goan Festival) - a selection of singers/dancers - VIDEO

'Alfred Rose' exclusive - VIDEO

Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Faleiro, Mr. & Mrs. Keith Vaz, Francis Martins etc


Global Goan Convention in Goa 2007 (Cidade de Goa)

2007 Convention in Goa - Video

Friday, 22 July 2011

A picture worth thousands..?

A picture worth thousands..?

I am sure many of you must have already filled up the blank..
But wait, it may not be the answer you have in your mind


Some months ago, I discovered an unread mail in my flickr inbox which
was there for over 3 months.
‘A request from an unknown overseas individual to use one of my pics’

I promptly replied saying ‘OK. If  it is not for profit and to give credit to JoeGoaUk’ Like I

usually do.
(Recently, there was similar request to use my pic in montly Mag. by a contributor, my pic
did appear minus credit- Pic at Azad Maidan during Sw.Agnivesh/Kiran Bedi visit)

 Few days later, curiosity made me to visit the account again
(I may have several flicking accounts).
Once again, I discovered the person's reply to me almost instantly to
previous ‘OK’ reply to him.

This time it says ‘ it is for profit’ asking me how much I expect?
To that I replied ‘same payment that you would generally pay to others for similar pics’
Soon, there came a reply ‘..‘$$’ let me know how this sounds ?’

At this time, I was about 70% sure that someone with fake ID is pulling  
my leg.(
(it happened to me once, somebody posing as female but I did not fall prey to his (or her) bait)

 I replied ‘ Sounds OK to me’
Next quick reply from him asking for my personal details such
as filling up some forms etc
It also said ‘we can send a check (we call cheque) or pay via PayPal or
direct bank deposit. Just let me know what you prefer and I can make up an invoice for you’

At this time I was 99% so sure that either someone is playing tricks or
it’s another sort of Nigerian Scam.

But deep down, that remaining 1% hope (or lust, I am also a Goan remember?)
made me to write to my best overseas Goan net friend seeking his opinion on this matter.
Received a near favourable response.

The ball is now started rolling .
We must have exchanged at least 20 mails in 30 days

(phone talking not allowed remember?)

Forms and other details sent/faxed.

On receipt, I got a mail ‘all done, I will make you up an invoice and send it in to
the accounting folks. It may take 60 days as they have been paying slowly,
but just let me know if you don't get the money in 60 days and I will pester them.’

Believe me or not, reading above mail, my hopes once again started diminishing.
I said to myself, it (such delays due to red tapism etc) only happens in India .

What choice do I have?
I waited and I waited about 3 months (not desperately though) –

No. Nothing heard, nothing received.

I wrote back in one line – 'More than 3 months now, no news'.
(by replying or quoting his last email)

He immediately, responded back apologising that he would look into matter and
come back to me ASAP.

3 days later, he did come back apologising once again -
‘all sorted out with the account dept. and the payment already left yesterday’
(Before, I could received his mail, I already got a notification confirming receipt)

Now, many of you must be curious to know..

So, what's the actual payment?
The Actual payment = The amount assured in full - $16 = ??? *

(16 deducted towards charges for availing of my preferred method of payment/channel)

See, what I mean?
A picture is worth thousands ... what?

You may now fill up the blank with  ‘Rupees’ ( and not ‘words’).

Some of you xasticars may exclaim..
‘Avoisss, itu azaru ani tei zaliar ek fottvaku?’

I told you I would come back separately on this, didn’t I?

That was the first ever payment I got for my work in about 9 years time.
I guess, I claimed it because it was big. Took risk too.

Sadly, that was the only 'giraik'  I ever received.

Fyi or for that matter, there are several cheques /payments pending
or waiting for me to claim.
Some of them must have expired as cheques usually have 6 months validity.
Amount ranging from Rs.300 – 600 per check. I never asked for it though.

* Now, who can guess the amount?? (no prize for guessing though)

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Everything you wanted to know about dogs (stray dogs survey included)

Everything you wanted to know about dogs (stray dog survey included)

Note: for bigger pics, pl clik on links provided at the end

Varrious ongoing discussions both in press and net on the subject matter,
prompted me to quickly do a survey and a write up using pictures from my archive

See some video clips at the end

 Dogs are men’s best friends.
You don’t have to feed dogs to be their friend.
i.e. they don’t expect anything from you in exchange of friendship.
The more you spend time with them the more you understand their language or expressions.

In dogs world, once a friend is always a friend.
Even if you met them just once and come back say from Swindon after 2-3 years,
You may not recognise them but they will never fail to recognise you.
Dogs don’t let you down when you suddenly become poor from rich.
Even if you have nothing to offer, they will still not leave you.
If you are dying of hunger or poverty or due to some sickness or if you have to spend
nights out in the open say on public benches etc, the same dog will always stand by you,
I mean , physically seen sleeping next to you (the master). And I am not telling some
stories from bollywood or Holywood.

Dogs have feelings too. When you are angry or when you shout at them, they understand it too.
They will go away and come back when your temper is cooled down.
There is a saying in Konkani ‘Xi munttlolem sunnem sat somdir vochon jiu dita’
(literally, when you call a dog ‘dirty’ it will commit suicide by going across the 7 seas).

campal park

Like human beings, dogs get jealous too (not for riches and wealth) but when the master
spend more time with other dogs or even other persons and that’s quite natural with
dogs friendship.

When you go to work, they know your exact time of return. You will see them at the
 gate waiting for your return.  Otherwise, the dog’s  place is somewhere behind the
 house all day and night.

Female dogs are more lovable than males.  My dog’s name was ‘Jullie’

 First remember seeing dog in bollywood  film was  ‘Awaara’ that’s back in early 50’s I think.
Of late, we saw dog ‘Moti’ in Tere Meherbanya (Jakie Shroff 1985), 
Bozu  in Betaab (Sunny Deol), Doberman gang, 101 Dalmatians etc etc

 August month was traditionally known for ‘Dog matting ‘ month  (sunneancho mhuino)
but now a day we also see dog matting in March/April, Global warming to blame, I suppose J

After successful mating, the two engaged in locked mode and this can last for more
than an hour When the two glued together, we as kids, used to call it ‘laadis’
(a maintenance trolley that rolls on Rly. Tracks) and often run behind them
with sticks to separate them.

After conceiving, it only takes less than 2 months for delivery.
Average litter size being 6, max can be upto a dozen or even more.

a pregnant bitch (advance stage)


It only takes about 6 month for a female puppy to fully develop  into a reproductive bitch
e.g. DOB 1.1.11, it’s first delivery or litter could be in  August /Sept of the same year.
There are 11 puppies in all (above)

9 puppies in above pic

Dogs can conceive upto two times a year from the age of 6 months to 16+ years.
(dog usually lives around 16 years, I know one in our locality, puppy was brought when the little one was born, the boy is now 16 and the the dog is still going strong, very old though)

In human beings, there is something called ‘Menopause’ but there is no such thing in female  dogs and as such even an oldest bitch can conceive, I mean naturally and not by IVF or test tube baby.

 Solution to present day menace:
Copaz or sterilization of all young and old bitches.
NGO or the Govt should provide some incentives to whoever brings in a female dog to a clinic where the ‘copaz’ operation is performed. This will help in controlling furture population growth to a great extent. Street beggars, vagabonds, migrant etc (even me) could bring in as many dogs for money. Say Rs.300-500 per dog. Money should only be handed over when they come to take  the discharged dog to release back where it was picked up from.

Culling is not advisable.
Let them die natural death bearing in mind, many dogs die in the road accidents etc.
throughout the year.
In the mean time , mass vaccinations programe can help preventing rabies

 Stray dogs survey: Painstakingly done. No charge to CCP though!

Includes only the costal part or one side of the Dayanand Bandodkar Marg /Road
Starting from Miramar beach to Panjim Ferry (a distance of about 2 Kms).

Miramar beach

Miramar beach: There are about 16 dogs  around the beach circle, park, canteen area
but does not includes the Belpuri gadda or opp sharda Mandir beach side.
(could not acertain how many reproductive bitches amongst the 16)

 Around Beach nest colony: 3
Sand dunes/ opp reading habits: 2

opp TOI and including Youth Hostel: 5+8
(6 spotted on Dond' new bungalow road, Nina Pinto Colony board says no dogs allowed  but saw 5+1 on the road see fresh pic).  latest pic

Magsons Area including indoor stadium: 5+6
(indoor Stadium entrance there are 2 and 6 spotted in the car park)

Bal bhavan junction upto Gymkana: 7

Around old football stadium/Reliance/Maruti/ MRF: 6

iffi jetty (Kala Academy premises)

Kala Academy premises/ifffy jetty: 3+4 with one resident Reproductive bitch
which litters every year.
(4 new dogs spotted KA's canteen side, 2 right inside the canteen sitting area watching people eating)

above pic taken during IFFI 2010 - a dog on the red carpet

Forest Dept. Campal: 3 with one resident reproductive bitch
(Remember the survey only includes this side of the DB Road, so FL Gomes
Gardern not included as I know there are at least 3 where I was bitten by one
about a year ago during Lorna’s show)

Forrest a restaurant co owned by the present CCP mayor: 2
(not included DHS side).

Inside the children park.campal beach area: 7 with two resident rep. Bitches.

campal beach at sunset

Campal beach

Campal Art Park / Lovers point or hanging garden (opp Inox):  12 (includes 5 grown
up puppies and 5 resident reproductive bitches)
opp. Inox

Opp. Old GMC/promenade: 3 grown up bitches
panjim promenade - a typical scene

Opp. Market/Promenade:  4
(does not include market/Inox  area)

Panjim pormenade

Opp. IDBI bank/Promenade: 2

panjim promenade

Finally, the Ferry point: 3

Total:  about 83+18=101 dogs (of which at least 13 reproductive bitches and at least
 8 will be ready to reproduce in next 2-3 months)

+ indicates fresh survey 20/7/11

Stray dogs usualy live in groups and within their own territory, 

some pics

Dogs at sunset

 Dogs in the soup

mating season

dogs night-out at the beach

family day out on the beach

 Glued or in locked mode

 Dog in a bunker
this is a bitch

Babes in the woods

 Miramar beach

 watch dog (Promenade)
Men and dogs sleeping zone (promenade)

While waiting for  the bus, he fell asleep

 Man’s best friend
garden bench
Campal art park

Campal beach


 relaxing zone for all – iffi jetty

Kala Academy Iffi red carpet

 Cooling time
watch this carefully (opp old secretariat)

This litter consist of 11

 a funny looking fellow

 a dog in Dhurbhat  (Ferryboat)

This one does courier boy’s service

City bus stop, Ferry Wharf
 video clips -


puppies world

Rabies dog?

A traveller in a ferryboat

Video - Dogs delayed their Master's funeral - True Story

Sleep walking dog ?